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Greenmax Black Sesame Cereal / 馬玉山 黑芝麻糊 30g x 12

A nutritious black sesame drink with the natural sweetness of roasted sesame and grains. Simply add hot water for a quick and easy preparation, perfect for breakfast or a snack. Enjoy the traditional Taiwanese black sesame paste flavour at home. / 香濃黑芝麻與穀物的天然甜味,營養滿分的黑芝麻糊飲品。只需加熱水沖泡,即可輕鬆享受,適合作為早餐或點心,在家品味台灣傳統黑芝麻糊風味。


Black SESAME (30%), Sugar, OATS, Glutinous Rice, Glucose, WHEAT Flour, Black Soybeans, RYE, Black Glutinous Rice, Brown Rice, Buckwheat, Brown Sugar, Adlay, WHEAT Germ, Yam. / 黑芝麻 (30%)、糖、燕麥、糯米、葡萄糖、小麥粉、黑大豆、黑麥、黑糯米、糙米、蕎麥、黑糖、薏仁、小麥胚芽、山藥


Wheat, Soybeans, Sesame, Oats, Rye, Buckwheat. / 小麥、大豆、芝麻、燕麥、黑麥、蕎麥