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Wang Lao Ji Herbal Tea / 王老吉涼茶 310ml
A traditional Chinese herbal tea widely loved across China. Made with a blend of carefully selected medicinal herbs, it has a mildly sweet and soothing taste. Ideal for refreshing the body, especially during hot weather. / 中國廣受歡迎的傳統涼茶。 精選多種中草藥調配而成,口感甘醇順口,有助於清熱解渴,特別適合炎熱季節飲用。
Water, Sugar, Mesonas Chinesis, Plumeria Rubra, Microcos Paniculate, Chrysanthemum, Loncera Japonica, Prunella Vulgris, Licorice. / 水、糖、仙草、赤花、布渣葉、菊花、金銀花、夏枯草、甘草