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  • Onkee Dry White Fungus / 安記 靚白雪耳球 150g

Onkee Dry White Fungus / 安記 靚白雪耳球 150g

Onkee's white fungus is a high-quality dried white fungus characterized by its unique jelly-like texture and mild flavor. It can be used in various dishes such as desserts, soups, and salads, and is especially valued in Chinese and medicinal cuisine. Believed to be beneficial for beauty and health, it is rich in collagen and dietary fiber. Even on busy days, you can easily rehydrate it and add it to your cooking for a quick nutritional boost. / 安記的白木耳以其獨特的滑嫩口感和淡雅風味著稱。適用於甜品、湯品和沙拉等多種料理,特別在中華料理和藥膳中廣受喜愛。被認為對美容和健康有益,富含膠原蛋白和膳食纖維。即使在忙碌的日子裡,也可以快速泡發,輕鬆添加到料理中,迅速補充營養。


Dried White Fungus (100%) / 乾燥白木耳(100%)

